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Why would any normal young man or woman want to attend a Bible college? And why would anyone of at least average intelligence start a Bible college in the first place? What possible good can come from attending such a college, having such a narrow field of study? Knowing the Bible certainly cannot put bread on the table or clothes on the back, so is it really of practical value?
We have heard questions such as the above so often from so many people that we thought that it would be worthwhile to plainly state the case for Bible colleges.
First of all, let us be clear on one point – Bible colleges are not for everyone. The Bible college/institute movement began at the turn of the twentieth century to fill a need – to train the Lord’s people in the rich spiritual truths of the Word of God. Big buildings, campuses, accreditation and such things were given little thought at first … the important thing was to teach the Bible, to train believers in Christ to live the Christian life and to spread the gospel effectively around the world. It is still true today that Bible colleges exist primarily for the purpose of training Christians in Biblical truths for the purpose of making God’s Word known to others.
While it is true that Bible colleges are not for everyone, they are perfectly suited for some. Bible colleges are ideally suited for at least three groups of people:
- Those who know Christ as Savior and want to be able to witness intelligently for Him in their secular occupations. These Christians do not plan to enter so-called “full-time Christian work.” They may go into engineering, business administration, education or some other occupation. The important thing is that they want to know Scripture well enough to explain God’s way of salvation clearly to others. Most Bible colleges offer a one-year course for these individuals. Florida Bible College’s one-year course is especially designed to take as preparation before going to a secular campus … it provides the adequate answers to the questions of modern young people.
- Those who just want to know the Bible better. Perhaps in this group are Sunday school teachers, concerned lay-people, or Christians who feel unfamiliar with God’s Word and desire to know it, understand it, and use it in a so-called lay ministry. The solution for many of these is the Bible Institute or Bible college (evening school) where a person can hold a full-time job and once or twice week attend two hours of concentrated Bible study taught by competent instructors.
- Those who plan to spend their lives serving the Lord in a Christian vocation. In this group would be students who intend to be pastors, youth workers, missionaries, Christian teachers, musicians, evangelists, or the wives of such men in Christian work. Without doubt those in this classification need the best and most thorough Biblical training that it is possible to receive … they need to specialize in God’s Word, particularly developing their skills in presenting the Word of God and gospel of Jesus Christ crystal clear and accurately to others.
If you know Christ as your Savior, God says 1) you are to be an ambassador for Him. In fact, you are to plead with men “in Christ’s stead” (meaning, in Christ’s place) to be reconciled to God. Christians are here upon the earth, in place of Christ, to make His Gospel and Word known to others. No one is adequate for this task of witnessing without a good grasp of God’s Word; this is reason enough for you to seriously consider attending Bible college.
In addition to the above, 2) God commands Christians to “study…the Word of Truth …” The entire Christian life – including prayer, walking in the Spirit, witnessing, success in life – is taught in God’s Word. Ignorance of that Word will keep us from growing and from the blessing of our Father upon our lives. It is imperative for every Christian to know the Word of God. Bible college can provide the knowledge upon which to build a solid life.
Assuming you know Christ as your Savior, and that you seriously want His will in your life, there are five good, solid reasons why Florida Bible College could be just the school you have been looking for.
- Because of its EMPHASIS. As previously indicated, FBC has a way of majoring in that which is major and minoring in that which is minor. For instance, the purpose for which FBC was founded in 1962 is to train God’s people to effectively serve Him and to be qualified in clearly presenting the gospel in any situation. The school has never wavered from that purpose. If anything, the administration and faculty are more dedicated to that goal than ever. The motivation to fulfill the purpose of FBC comes as an outflow of our foundational emphasis of loving Jesus Christ first with all our heart, soul, and mind. So many Christians do not present the gospel or the do not present the message of salvation by faith alone in a risen Christ clearly. Often, the reason is that they themselves do not know the Bible well enough or are unable to make practical application of its truths; but FBC students are trained while they learn. This produces graduates who are “thoroughly equipped” to do a competent job for the Lord.
- Because of its STAND. The Bible – and only the Bible – is the authority at Florida Bible College… and we would have it no other way. We are “not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,” but we love and cherish it. In a day when Christians tend to lower their standards and fly their flags at half-mast, FBC stands unequivocally for the “faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (See our Statement of Faith).
- Because of its FACULTY. Each faculty member at FBC teaches with the goal in mind that he or she is training soldiers for a spiritual battle. Academics are combined with practical applications of God’s Word to everyday situations. FBC instructors are not just theoreticians … they live what they teach. Students benefit from the example of the faculty and enjoy each instructor’s readiness to discuss Scriptural things. Faculty members teach in their area of expertise while holding an accredited degree. Most have earned a Master’s Degree or higher. If you are looking for this kind of faculty, where Jesus Christ and you are important, and where your life is considered a sacred trust by the people who instruct you, then Florida Bible College is for you.
- Because of its STUDENTS. We have a great student body and alumni … and we do not mean that in a boastful way but just as a matter of personal observation and conviction. Hundreds upon hundreds are reached by the gospel and won to Christ every single week of the year by those who are or who have been our students … and that is not “evang-elastically” speaking! Over and over again guests who come to FBC comment on the unbelievable friendliness and warmth of the students. These young men and women are – by far – the greatest advertisement of our school. If these are the kind of people with whom you want to go to college, you will find them here at FBC.
- Because of its OPPORTUNITIES. Orlando is one of the most strategically located cities in all of Florida. It is located right in the middle of the state, nestled between Miami directly to the south and Gainesville and Jacksonville to the north…and Daytona Beach to the east and Tampa / St. Petersburg to the west. Over 57 million people including tourists from all over the world are accessible to our local students yearly. If you are interested in working with Latin Americans, or Middle Easterners, or Asians, or people from the Caribbean, or with Jewish people, or college students – in fact, with just about any kind of culture or Christian work imaginable, you can do it right here in or around Orlando. Students from the College can lead weekly Bible studies, pastor churches, travel in musical groups, conduct door to door and beach evangelism year around, and minister cross-culturally.
Just this year FBC has launched our online campus to serve alongside our physical campus that is a very short distance from I-4. This not only allows us to expand our educational outreach locally, nationally, and globally through our local and online campuses immediately, but also allows us to accept all the students who are serious about learning God’s Word and serving the Lord. Are you serious about wanting to know and do God’s will? Florida Bible College might be just the place for you. How about it? The rest is up to you.