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He who walks with wise men will be wise,
but the companion of fools will be destroyed.
(Proverbs 13:20 NKJV)
On our own, we can never be the kind of person God wants us to be. He never intended us to do life on our own. We all need people who teach us, share their lives with us, invest in us, and encourage us to grow. One writer stated we need people who know the way to show us the way so we can go the way!
To be what God wants you to be, you need to learn from at least four different types of people.
- Models – These people are successfully accomplishing or have already accomplished what you want to do. Do you know that many of the skills you’ve learned in your life, you’ve learned by observing others? (2 Timothy 3:10, 11) Who do you know could be a model of a skill you need in life?
- Mentors – These are your coaches. I’ve had 12 different mentors in my life. And they are different ages too! There is no one person who can teach you everything you need to know. One person will guide you in one area. Another person will teach you about something else. (2 Timothy 2:1,2) What areas would you need a mentor in?
- Ministry Partners – You need co-workers and colleagues in your profession who will encourage and challenge you to do what God wants to do through your life. (2 Timothy 4:9 – 22) Who is a team-mate who loves you and knows you well enough to support and challenge you in your life goals?
- Man-Friends for Men and Women-Friends for Women – Friends usually are the ones to necessarily help you with your goals. They’re just friends. No matter what you do, they will love you. They will still love you even if you mess up. That’s when you know who your friends are. (2 Timothy 4:11a) Who are your new acquaintances > casual friends > close friends > and intimate friends that will stay in your life when everyone else walks out of it?
It’s not just lonely trying to live alone; it hinders God’s design for us.
Think About It
- Which of the four types of people do I need most in my life? Which do you have the least?
- How can I find these types of people? (Hint: Psalm 119:63, 79)
- Why do I attempt to do life without the assistance of others?
- Does anyone in my life need my support in one of these roles?
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