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Do you remember the classic song “My Favorite Things?” It makes me think of my favorite things, especially the four for which I am most thankful. I could call them “the big four.” And if you trusted in Jesus Christ as your Savior, you can be thankful to God for these four things too:
- The grace He’s shown me to bring me into His forever family
- The plan He has for me to live each day of my life
- The home He’s prepared for me is waiting in heaven
- The changes He’s making in me every day
Keep these four areas in mind as you celebrate Thanksgiving this month. It is easy to get so concerned with planning, decorating, preparing the food, cooking, eating, or watching football that the only spiritual activity that happens at Thanksgiving is a single prayer before the big meal—a prayer usually done by one person.
But I want to encourage you to make this year different. Spend time on Thanksgiving Day thanking God for all He has done for you—for “the big four” and so much more.
Another “favorite thing” I like to thank God for is the people who receive, read, and apply each edition of my Leadership Helps. You’re impacting thousands worldwide with the truth of authentic Biblical Leadership, and I am incredibly thankful for you.
Would you write to me and share how Leadership Helps and the Make It Clear Ministries team are impacting your life? Your letters always inspire our team and all the people whose prayers and support make this ministry possible. You can write to me at
Thank you for your partnership and prayers. God bless you, and Happy Thanksgiving!
Because I’m thankful,
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