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Therefore, when they had come together, they asked Him, saying, “Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Acts 1:6-8 (NKJV)

Why is it that when we receive the most incredible gift, like eternal life in Christ, and are rescued from the greatest calamity, like separation from God for all eternity, we have such a difficult time telling others?

Receiving the most wonderful gift or being rescued from the most dangerous situation cannot compare to the good news in Christ.  Why?  Because none of these last forever.

Why is good news the best news?  Because it lasts forever!

 What Makes The Good News – – Good News?

  1. Good news comes from the Bible term…Gospel. The word Gospel in Scripture comes from a Greek word that means good news. So, when you hear Christians using the word gospel, they are talking about good news!
  1. Good news in Scripture most often refers to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! What makes the good news – – good news, is that Jesus Christ died and rose again to pay my sin debt and forgive me…and you…and anyone else, so we can be a member of His family and live with Him as our Father in heaven forever! 

Now you tell me, what news is there better than that…really?

What Is the Game Plan For Sharing The Good News?

Now is a perfect time for us to learn God’s game plan for sharing the good news… Easter is almost upon us, and nearly everyone is willing to talk about its “religious” implications.  It can be one of the best times for you to talk about Christ because Easter is about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!  Our moment as Christians has come, so here is the game plan for sharing the Good News…


“…you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you …”

Jesus gave this message after His resurrection but before He ascended to heaven.  He told them about the coming of the Holy Spirit, who actually did come very soon afterward.  So that means the Holy Spirit has been given… And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit…” (Acts 2:4a)

The power of the Holy Spirit is much like the power of electricity.  Electricity cannot flow through wires unless there is contact and minimal resistance.


    1. Our contact with the Holy Spirit begins when we first receive Christ as our Savior. The Holy Spirit seals and indwells us the moment we trust in Christ. (Ephesians 1:12-14)
    2. The Holy Spirit empowers us to communicate with wisdom, boldness, clarity, and accuracy through prayer. John Bunyan, who wrote Pilgrim’s Progress, also wrote, Prayer is a sincere, sensible, affectionate pouring out of the heart and soul to God, through Christ, with the strength and assistance of the Holy Spirit, for such things as God has promised, or according to the Word, for the good of the church, with submission, in faith, to the will of God.”
    3. Through time spent living in God’s Word, the Holy Spirit gives us Biblical insights about ourselves and in building a better relationship with Christ and others.

Minimal Resistance

We must respond quickly, completely, and consistently to the Holy Spirit’s ministry in our lives.

  1. The PERSON To Do The Job Is YOU and ME

     “…you shall be witnesses to Me …”

    • No Christian is exempt or excused.
    • No Christian can “pass the buck.”

Since we have His power and His purpose to share the good news, why wouldn’t we?


     “…you shall be witnesses to Me…”

Often when we hear the word “witnesses” in the context of “religion,” we think of those people who come to our door knocking at all hours of the day, wanting us to have literature that is not from the Bible but written by a cult leader years ago.  Nonetheless, being a “witness” is not wrong, especially when someone testifies truthfully. 

Jesus calls on us to testify the truth of Who He is, what He did on the cross, and how that changed our lives! 

So how do we “witness” or testify for Him…

    • By how we live. Are we credible witnesses?  Are we living out what we believe within?
    • By what we say. Do we tell people about the person of salvation, not just the plan of salvation? Did we share the good news correctly, clearly, compassionately, courageously, and consistently?

“…in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

    1. Where are you living now? Who is in your sphere of influence?  Who is farther from you but still reachable?
    2. When do you begin? NOW!!

Today is a day of choices.  But because of what Jesus Christ did for us two thousand years ago, the choice can and should be easy.  So, ask yourself?

    1. What makes the good news – good news to me today?
    2. What is stopping me from sharing the good news with someone?
    3. What does the Lord want me to do to share the good news?
    4. Will I share the good news of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection correctly, clearly, compassionately, courageously, and consistently?
    5. Who will hear the gospel from me?
    6. Where will I begin?
    7. When will I begin?
    8. How can I learn more about sharing the Good News?
      • By taking the online course called Evangelism and Discipleship from Clarity Christian College (ClarityChristianCollege.com)
      • By hosting a small group Bible study called, Good News Made Clear. Go to MakeItClear.org and then the Marketplace link to learn more.


Written by Stan Ponz
Dr. Stan Ponz is founder and president of Make It Clear Ministries (a national ministry that began in 1973 to help people take the Gospel and the Word of God into every person's world!). Stan also serves as President of Clarity Christian College. and is married to his high school sweetheart Carol, who led him to the Lord in 1966.