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A fool is quick-tempered, but a wise person stays calm when insulted.
Proverbs 12:16 (NLT)

You will encounter people throughout your ministry who generate so much frustration that you ask God, “Please help me show them extra grace.”

Who are these people in our life? They may be . . .

  • The person who insists on grading what we say and what we do
  • The person who scowls at us when we serve
  • The leader who always has a complaint about our ministry and goes public with it

How many people demonstrate unhealthy reactions to frustration?

  • They might sidestep difficult people, but denial only delays the problem. It doesn’t solve it.
  • They might try to make difficult people happy, but some people will never be satisfied. No matter what they do, it’s never good enough.

How can you respond like Jesus?

  • Let God uses them to remove your rough edges. Consider that God has put these people in your life as “heavenly sandpaper.” Although you are irritated, God is always more concerned with your character than your comfort.
  • Learn to look past their behavior to see their pain. Hurting people will often be hurting others. They’re full of anxiety and self-doubt. Maybe they’re carrying a burden you don’t know about.
  • Look at them as a gift from God to help you become more like Christ instead of dismissing frustrating people from your life. Frustration can often uncover more work that needs to be done in you. It is best now to go to God so you will experience a change of heart by saying:
    • “God, help me to be more patient.”
    • “God, help me to be better at apologizing.”
    • “God, help me to be more thankful.”
  • Live to show grace to others. One of the reasons God has forgiven us is so that we can reflect His forgiveness to others. That can’t happen if we never get frustrated!
Written by Stan Ponz
Dr. Stan Ponz is founder and president of Make It Clear Ministries (a national ministry that began in 1973 to help people take the Gospel and the Word of God into every person's world!). Stan also serves as President of Clarity Christian College. and is married to his high school sweetheart Carol, who led him to the Lord in 1966.